Celebrating 20 Years of 'Seasons of Life and Land' this GiveBIG

Celebrating 20 Years of 'Seasons of Life and Land' this GiveBIG

Help us celebrate the 20 Year Anniversary of Seasons of Life and Land— the beginning of the Braided River story this GiveBIG! It was twenty years ago in April 2003 that the seeds for Braided River were planted. Along with photographer Subhankar Banerjee, we were determined to tell a different story of the Arctic. We had no idea what we were about to unleash. In 2003, Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) held up our book, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Seasons of Life and Land, on the Senate floor. This proved to be a defining moment for the Arctic.

Living River: The Promise of the Mighty Colorado

Living River: The Promise of the Mighty Colorado

Braided River recently launched a new book project and engagement campaign spotlighting the Colorado River watershed and the role we can all play in the health of our waterways. Learn more about the history and impact of the Colorado in an excerpt from award-winning conservation photographer Dave Showalter’s new book, Living River.